Venue & Travel Info


Ride Sharing from/to Pearson International Airport

Interested in sharing a ride to/from the airport to the Hilton in Toronto? See our ride share forum!

Be aware that drivers are BANNED from using hand-held devices while driving in Ontario as of 1-Oct-09. More information


Hotel Exterior Room Main Hall

Find out more about the venue where our meetings will be held!

Main Street Unionville

Our hotel is located just a short distance from the historic Main Street in Unionville, Ontario. Come and see why so many have been charmed by Unionville's dining, shopping, sights and sounds!

About Toronto

Skyline at Night

Learn more about Canada's biggest and most vibrant city and the multicultural experience you'll have while visiting!


Pearson Concourse

Get more information about Toronto's International Airport. Find out about visas and customs inspections at the border. Learn about tax refunds for visitors to Canada.

Getting around Toronto


There are many ways to get around Toronto, including driving, taxis, limousines, and public transit.

We also have a RIDE SHARING FORUM set up on our social network.

Shopping and Attractions

Yonge and Dundas Square at Night

There are TONS of things to do in Toronto while you're here. Get more information on shopping and attractions you can visit.


There are two official languages in Canada: English, and French. Get more information.

Weather and Time Zone

Toronto is located near the most southerly tip of Canada, and is south of most places in Washington State and Wisconsin! Even so, we can have some cold and challenging weather, especially in the late fall and early winter. Get more information, including a current forecast and the current time in Toronto.

Electricity and Water

Get information on power and water in Toronto.

Currency/Currency Exchange

The local currency is the Canadian dollar and cents. Get more information on current exchange rates, credit and debit cards.

International Calls and Mobile Communication

Toronto has a dense communication infrastructure, so using your mobile phone, smart phone or a land line to communicate is easy! Get more information on communications networks in Canada.

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