2010 Presentations


Product Recall Preparedness and Implementation Part I
Kenneth Ross (Bowman and Brooke LLP, USA)


Choosing the Right Product Safety Label Formats
Geoffry Peckham (Clarion Safety Systems, USA)


“Class 2 Transformers and Plastic Enclosed Printed Circuit Boards: A Potentially Perilous Combination”
James Small (Kodiak, USA)
Daniel Churchward (Kodiak Enterprises, USA)

“Product Recall Preparedness and Implementation Part II”
Kenneth Ross (Bowman and Brooke LLP, USA)

“Supporting Qualification -- Safety Standard Compliant Process Planning and

Henning Jost (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
Silke Köhler (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany)
Stefan Häusler (OFFIS, Germany)
Jan Gacnik (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany)
Axel Hahn (OFFIS, Germany)
Frank Köster (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany)
Karsten Lemmer (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany)


"Protective earthing and protective bonding conductors used as safeguards in electrical equipment
Lal Bahra (Dell Inc., USA)


“Electrical Evidence at Fire Scenes”
David Utt (Fire Forensics & Safety Consulting LLC, USA)

Regulatory Affairs - A Global Update

Michael Loerzer (Globalnorm GmbH, Germany)

IEC62368-1 - A twist on the approach to fire safety of low power circuits
Bob Griffin (IBM Corporation, USA)

Automobile Sudden Acceleration: Controlling the Safety Risks caused by EMI
Keith Armstrong, (Cherry Clough Consultants, United Kingdom)

“What can the Safety Community Learn from the Toyota Recall”
Moderator: Gary Tornquist (Microsoft Corp, USA)

Protection of Outside Plant Conductors

Don Gies (Alcatel-Lucent, USA)

“Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET™): Taking HBSE to the Next Level”
Thomas Lanzisero (UL Inc, USA)


Product Safety 102 - Mechanical Testing
Bill Bisenius (ED&D, Inc., USA)


“The Electrification of Vehicles: An Introduction into Lithium Ion Batteries”
Jan Swart (Exponent Inc., USA)

Conducting High Frequency Electrical Measurements - Case Study using a TASER M18 Device
Nosh Medora (IEEE, USA)
Ashish Arora (Exponent, USA)
Gary Yamaguchi (Principal Engineer, USA)

Product Safety 102 Hipot Testing

Nicholas Piotrowski (Associated Research Inc., USA)

“Thermal Shutdown Characteristics of Polymer Insulating Materials Used in Lithium Ion Batteries”
Bala Pinnangudi (Exponent, USA)
Snehal Dalal (Exponent, USA)
Jan Swart (Exponent Inc., USA)
Nosh Medora (IEEE, USA)
Ashish Arora (Exponent, USA)

Safety Considerations for Smart Grid Technology Equipment
Don Gies (Alcatel-Lucent, USA)

"Product Safety 102 - Creepage & Clearance Measurements"
Bill Bisenius (ED&D, Inc., USA)

“Safety interlock systems used in electrical/electronic equipment”
Lal Bahra (Dell Inc., USA)

“Safety Issues and Damage to Equipment with both Smart Grid and Home Network Connections”

Albert R Martin (Tyco Electronics, USA)


Product Safety Touch Current Demo
Peter Perkins (P.E. Perkins PE, USA)
Robert Johnson (ITE Safety, USA)


RoHS Recast - are you ready?
Krista Botsford (Botsford EcoTech Partners LLC, USA)

Overview of Regulatory Labeling
Gary Schrempp (Dell Inc, USA)

Accessible Hot Surfaces & Burn Hazards
Ashish Arora, P.E. (Exponent, USA)
Noshirwan K. Medora, P.E. (Exponent, USA)
Bala Pinnangudi, Ph.D (Exponent, USA)

Preparing Products for Environmental Compliance
Krista Botsford (Botsford EcoTech Partners LLC, USA)

“Electromagnetic Compatibility for Flywheel Energy Storage Systems In Rail-Transit Traction Power Applications”

Edward Davis (Electromagnetic Compatibility Society, USA)
Andrew Goodwin (Pentadyne, USA)

Oxygen Regulation as a Safeguard against the Spread of Fire
Gary Tornquist (Microsoft Corp., USA)


“A Product Safety Engineer's Perspective - Working with Development Engineers”
Richard Nute (Product Safety Consultant, USA)


The Physics of Insulation Breakdown for voltages less than 3000 V rms
Richard Nute (IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society, USA)

Automotive Paint Spray Booth Safety - How a Paint Booth Makes a Dangerous
Operation Less so

Dale W. Soos (Testing and Certification, USA)


Effects of High Frequency Voltage Stress on Air Insulation and Solid Insulation
Flore Chiang (Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd., Taiwan)

Hazard Analysis from the Users Point of View
Ken Budoff (Microsoft Corporation, USA)


“Hazardous Locations and Solid-State Lighting Certification Overview”
Brad Bombardier (Intertek, USA)

Meeting the Restricted Substance Compliance Challenge
Thomas Svoboda (Intertek, USA)

“Audio Level Safety Limits and their Impact on Personal Music Players”
Ted Eckert (Microsoft Corporation, USA)

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